I feel sorry for the ’90s, because it was never able to be anything much more than the hangover to the party that was the 80s.”-Simon Lebon


Hello Babes!



Hangovers. They’re a time-honored tradition, sluggishly making their way down the family tree. Of course it skips a few people who give you serious side-eye at family events when you unceremoniously reach for that third glass of Chardonnay so the euphoria doesn’t fade. Just me? Liar!

Anyhoo. I’m not an alcoholic nor a day-drinker—unless you consider a glass of Sea Breeze in the summer time at five pm having a “problem” or the daytime (isn’t it a pre-evening time in the summer?)—but there are times when I take it too far. I’m 22, sue me. So this morning, as I cursed our drape-less French windows for allowing the blinding daylight to wake me from my comatose state, I decided to research what the technicalities behind my misery were. Hold on, let me grab my third cup of peppermint tea.

OK! Let’s do this. So the first site I went on, About.com, was clearly written for people who have lost half of their brain cells (as in already hung-over) or by a hung-over person because it begins by telling me that “People who consume alcohol to intoxication often experience what is known as a hangover. Hangovers result in unpleasant physical and mental symptoms including fatigue, headache, dizziness, and vertigo. […] Hangovers are a frequent, though unpleasant, experience among people who drink to intoxication. Despite the prevalence of hangovers, however, this condition is not well understood scientifically.” Gee thanks Captain Obvious! I was convinced I had some kind of terminal disease…come to think of it, maybe it is d we don’t know it, since o teen science can figure out what the hell is going on. Furthermore, “Physical symptoms of a hangover include fatigue (check), headache (hell yeah), increased sensitivity to light and sound (I mean…), redness of the eyes (I bow at the feet of whoever discovered eye drops), muscle aches (did I try to masticate on a Jawbreaker?), and thirst (ironic isn’t?). […]Mental symptoms include dizziness and possible cognitive and mood disturbances, especially depression, anxiety, and irritability (can we really blame that on the hangover though? I’m not a morning person in general).” Learn anything new? Yeah me either. I could have written that. So let’s Google on!


Ah! Here we go. Health911 has to have something good for us. Oh, here’s something: “Women who drink right before menstruating when their estrogen level is low are more prone to get drunk and are more nauseated afterward than during the rest of their cycle.”  Add it to the list of things I have to thank whoever divvied up the biological goodies.  This site isn’t bad because it gives you suggestions on how o get rid of it…provided you can move. “Exercise will help get rid of your hangover by helping the body rid itself of toxins (does the walk from the couch to the kitchen count?). Another “morning after” remedy is to take a probiotic supplement, such as acidophilus, to help restore the flora balance in your stomach (Mom! Do we have any aicijefjldn? Guess not. While painkillers will provide immediate relief, they can cause problems for the kidneys and liver with long-term use (Well fuck…can’t puke up the two Tylenols I took so that ship’s sailed).”

Of course you have the gems offered by Wikipedia, eHow and the fantastic Youtube videos of other people’s testimony and miraculous remedies. Why? Because the internet is a scary place where all of us Looney Tunes can gather round and make each other feel that much more normal.

So what have we learned from this post? When you’re out at the bar and you feel yourself clapping enthusiastically to some guy with a mullet’s third rendition of a country song you’ve never heard of, you’re done ordering drinks. Even if the bar tender is one of your best friends. Oh! And it’s always fun to Google the most inane things!



All men should strive/ to learn before thy die/what they are runnin from, and to who, and why. — James Thurber



There are few things I know for sure about myself:


1)      Confusion is a state I tend to find myself living in more often than not , for instance I get confused when:


2)      Someone compliments me, or something I’ve done. Probably because I’ve spent most of my life horribly failing at the things those around me found to be most crucial.


3)       I get confused when someone shows any level of interest in me, whether professionally or privately. Probably because I’ve spent years building a giant wall between me and anything that could hurt me. Because I am a fighter and a lover, a lion and a puppy, the sun and the ultimate ice Queen. All and all a puzzle to both myself and those around me.


4)      I think faster than I type which leads to forcible revisions…which I rarely deign to do since my self-diagnosed ADD prevents me to do about 97% of the time.


5)      I can’t choose between cat and dogs, which is why I will end up with both.


6)      I am easy-going but if you ask me I will give you my opinion.


7)      I have a weakness for good food, especially French bread/pastries, American cheesecake and rare steak and lamb chops with mustard and rice or green beans.


8)      I live for vegetables as long as they’re well-seasoned.


9)      I love watching cooking shows as well as the Cooking Channel and the Discovery Channel.


10)  I am a consummate chocolate eater and can usually decipher most of the ‘exotic’ ingredients chocolatiers insists on infusing into their mixes. In fact, when I was younger, my favorite book was “La Fee En Chocolat”…don’t know it? Google it! Or better yet! Pick up a copy for a young person, they’ll love it!


11)  I have a hard time being honest with myself. Unless I’ve downed a glass of champagne or two glasses of rosé or white wine. They say IN VINO VERITAS…oh boy did those Romans know what they were talking! That’s why I stay away from those on dates. If I do have to drink I opt for beer (which just makes me pee quite a bit) or vodka and seltzer because I trick myself into staying hydrated and thus be less drunk.


12)  I am full of generally useless information. On any topic. If I’ve read in a book, a magazine, pamphlet or a food packaging, there is a high chance I will find a way to share it with you simply because I am over the moon about this new cerebral acquisition.


13)  I have a deep belief that candles can heal stress and fatigue as well as put you in the mood.


14)  I live my life through music. My taste is as eclectic as my personality.


15)  I love to clean and believe that if the space around me is organized then I will have an easier time putting order in my head which is always reeling with some innocuous thoughts.


16)  I admire people who truly go with the flow without feeling guilty about it.


17)  I love my siblings and grandmothers to the moon and back.

18) I am my mother’s daughter.

19)  I m a huge (no longer undercover) nerd.  I love comic books, mangas, anime, sci-fi and all and any Quentin Terantino films.


20)  Which leads me to the fact that I am a GIANT…no…GARGATUAN movie buff. Movie quote recognition I my favorite non Monopoly game, Scene It is my game night no brainer and viewing them puts me on cloud nine. I learn more about a person by their movie choice than I usually do through hours of senseless tchatching.


21)  One of my biggest fears in life is getting up and performing in front of ANYONE.


22)  One of my biggest joys in life is getting up and performing in front of EVERYONE.


23)  I love karaoke but when I was little I was told I was overly talented in a number of things but, singing would probably never be one of them. So to this day I can’t do it without liquid courage or a reliable partner.


24)  I live and breathe writing and fashion.


25)  I absolutely adore my internship at Christophe Josse Haute Couture. Which is why I relish putting my all into it. It’s even made me consider a career in fashion.

There’s nothing I love more than someone brave enough to make the first move.


26)  I have finally grown to acknowledge the fact that I have no idea what the future holds and, somehow, this excites me!!


Tell me about you…




“I have such a rich fantasy life, I can’t help it. I do make up a lot of romantic stories in my head.”-Mindy Kaling

Hello Babes!

As you all know I love all things fashion, entertainment and food related. Ok, you might not know it because…well, you don’t know me. And it’s not ALL.

But I digress. So I have,and I’m not afraid to say–mostly because it’s not something embarrassing for once–that I have hopped on the Girls  bandwagon and am willing to ride that shit like the Slumdog Millionaire boys! I resisted because, well, who says I can’t watch marathons of 16 and Pregnant and still be a sassy, intelligent modern woman! Plus I ‘m pretty sure it accounts for half the reason I’m not stuck in a small apartment with fours roommates and my six freakishly beautiful but tyrannical children. The other half is split between the Pill and creative ambition.

So, I blame two entities for my newfound obsession–trust me that’s saying a lot considering Friends topped my television chart for the last 15 years (kind of stoked I can quote a double-digit number now)– my mother and Mindy Kaling. My mother because she said “I’m putting on the first one and if you like it we’ll keep going” (bless her heart for knowing I am the authority on all things entertainment or bump her for thinking I have such low taste…torn) and Mindy Kaling because she’s become my alter ego. Sure I knew her as “that girl Kelly from the Office ” but I really didn’t latch on. Actually, now that I think about it, in high school Jaron Kolek compared me to her on Facebook and I flipped out because I saw no physical resemblance. He said it was in personality and well, we look kind of alike. Here’s to you Jaron because, well, we look nothing alike but I like to think we are brain sisters. Anyways, I’ve become obsessed with the Mindy Project and it became worse when I read her book Is Everyone hanging out without me (and other concerns). By the way I didn’t have to Google th title because it’s what I would have named my book and i gave you the full title so you can dash to the nearest bookstore (or Or barnesand nobles.com or Amazon, I don’t judge) to buy it. Done? Good! Because where else can you find an adorable, normal sized, DARK indian girl with a sense of humor and brilliance to rival [insert favorite comedian]. Her biggest fault is having a last name you can actually pronounce…can’t win them all woman!

Anyways, what does Mindy have to do with Girls? Well they’re both sassy, on point with where I am at in my life and make me laugh unapologetically. I’m not going to give you a review on the show because if you don’t know then you should look it up because it’s been reviewed by everyone and their mothah…probably a true statement.

So check out Girls on HBO (I think, idk) or like any normal person, on the internet or VOD and the Mindy Project on Hulu.

